Dusk of a Hybrid Read online

Page 19

  “All of you are alive, and you still have the will to move on. We have to keep moving on, unless if any Fairy has the power to bring the dead back to life. Do you, Fairy? If you do, now it could be the time to use it.”

  The Fairy sighed. “We don’t.”

  Valverno sighed as well. “Then what has been done is done. No mortals have the power to bring the dead back. I just may have the power to douse the fire on Shimabellia, and the Fairies’ magic can bring the plants back, but not the people. As of right now, Shimabellia is a lost cause, and we all must tend to who is alive right now.” Valverno pointed to the tents and all the people looking at the Fairies. “This is where the Fairies are needed right now; they are needed to ease the minds of the people, and have their minds purified of what happened to them last night.”

  The Fairy looked at the people. A few of the Fairies flew over the people walking out of the tents

  “And as far as I know, it’s not the land that makes the kingdom; it’s the people that makes the kingdom,” said Valverno. “These people are from Geraldus’s village, and there are the clans to the north from here, guarding the Seaport City where Teutates lurks. So, as of right now, you are the leader of the Fairies, unless you know a different Fairy to be the leader.”

  “No, I’m glad,” the Fairy replied. “I’ll lead the Fairies. The Fairy Queen chose you as her leader, and so will I. And as the leader of the Fairies, I’ll be named the Fairy King.”

  “Then let’s stop mourning and get a move on,” said Valverno. “We need to transport these people to the other corner of Isla Maeli. There is an ancient fortress west from here and we need to…”

  “Demigod Valverno,” shouted a voice.

  Valverno, the new Fairy King, and the Dragon King looked to where the shouting voice came from and saw a male soldier riding a horse and the Centaur King galloping to him. Valverno recognized the soldier as Orinù, the leader of the Eagle Clan.

  Valverno dashed to the two beings galloping his way. He waved at them, and they waved back. They all drew a halt once they gotten neared to each other.

  “Orinù, what are you doing here and with the Centaur King?” asked Valverno.

  “I found him with a small army nearby this morning,” answered the Centaur King. “Since we’re allies, I thought I would have brought him to you.”

  Valverno nodded at the Centaur King and turned to look at Orinù.

  “We were out scouting last night for any creatures lurking about,” said Orinù, “but we found something else last night. We have seen what has happened. We saw comets strangely falling from the sky, and Shimabellia has been engulfed by the flames. Seeing you here is heart-pounding, Demigod Valverno. I thought you would have been engulfed by the flames of the raining comets. And seeing these people is also heart-pounding.”

  Valverno sighed and looked at the people around, seeing the tents and the people. “These people you see were the only survivors from Shimabellia. These people from Shimabellia and the five clans are the only residents left from the destroyed island.

  “Orinù, for some reason, Lusìvar predicted this day would have come and it eventually did,” said Valverno. “We believe Lusìvar has the power to see the future or certain events, like last night. If he does, he must be taking the necessary actions to win, but I won’t let him win. Right now, I still have one more artifact to find, but I have to get these people to the other side of Isla Maeli, where an ancient fortress lies, and I deem it a strong defense for these people to survive.”

  Valverno walked away from Orinù and the Centaur King and proceeded to walk to the army of tents. “These people can’t stay out in the open, and they need some form of housing to keep them safe from the weather, the dirt in the ground, and Lusìvar’s soldiers.”

  “Wait, Demigod Valverno, this is your chance,” said the Centaur King, running in front of the demigod. “You have one more artifact to find. Find it. Attach it. And take the fight to the Shadow King. Soldiers from the clans and the Fairies are here. Even if it is just a little help, then we are for sure helping out the demigod in any way we can.”

  Valverno stopped and was hesitant as to what the Centaur King was saying. The people were Valverno’s responsibility, and there was no way the demigod wanted to go until the people he needed to protect were safe out from harm’s way.

  “I don’t know. I am their ruler and what kind of ruler would I be if I choose an ancient artifact over my people? The land and the people living on the island I once ruled are gone. I’ve come to learn it’s the people that make the kingdom, not the land. As long as these people live, then Shimabelia is still alive. I mustn’t let go of these people because it is my duty to protect them.”

  “My army can help, Demigod Valverno,” said Orinù. “We have horses at the ready and my scouts can lend out a helping hand. You helped the five clans when we were in need. Now, let us return the favor.”

  Valverno was tempted by Orinù’s offer, and it would be an advantage considering the clans were supposed to be close to the Seaport City. Valverno made his mind he wasn’t going to travel to find the last artifact until these people he saw before his eyes were safe from harm.

  “I’m not going to leave these people,” said Valverno. “You’re most welcome to help, but I won’t abandon these people for my quest. I need to make sure these people are safe first. Once they are safe, then I will continue on my journey.”

  “You should take him up on his offer,” said Flavius’s voice.

  Valverno turned to see Flavius, Monico, and Sora were standing beside each other armed with weapons and white wings folded outward. He felt a spark of lightness shining in his mind; he felt at ease when he gazed upon the three people. Now, that the White Knights were urging him to continue, Valverno changed his mind.

  “Very well then.” Valverno nodded back at everyone and rose to the sky. “Let’s us make haste, White Knights. To this place where the last armor artifact is being held and bring my power back to its glory. And kill my enemy I want to die by my hands, and finally build a future where the Shadow King can no longer do us harm.”

  Monaco, Flavius, and Sora rose into the air to join their leader.

  “My White Knights, let’s get moving.”

  “Not without me you won’t,” shouted Marina’s voice.

  The Siren came running from the tents and toward the floating people in the sky. “I will stand by you for all the time. I need to see this through the end with you.”

  Valverno blinked of Marina wanting to come and drifted back to the ground. “Marina, are you serious? You can’t come with me. I can’t let you come with me.”

  “And why not?” asked Marina.

  “Because we’re going into the eye of the storm. The core of the fight. Where I will be heading is where Lusìvar will be. I fought against him, in his physical form. He very much stronger than I am, and he could kill me in seconds, if I only standing on the ground. His speed and strength are greater than mine. You’ll surely be killed easily.”

  “Oh, come on,” said Sora. “Just bring the Siren with.”

  “But she holds my children within her. I can’t risk bringing her with me. If she lost her life, then she will end up losing other lives. And why would a pregnant Siren come into the heart of danger?”

  “Because I am part of your heart,” answered Marina, placing her hand over her chest. Marina placed her hand on the spot where her beating heart lies. “Just where would you be without me, Demigod Valverno? Your life started with me, and your life will end with me. Or would you rather to through your journeys end without me?”

  Valverno muffled his eyebrows. He was having a Siren make a demand of him: stay with him or be left alone forever. That was the choice Marina was giving Valverno, and it seemed like a cunning demand. Valverno didn’t want to Marina to come, because of the three seeds she has within her.

  Not to
mention there were prowling eyes watching them. The Centaurs, Dragons, Fairies, Griffins, and Pegasi were watching. The three White Knights were watching. Some of the people were watching. And their stares were putting pressure on the demigod.

  Then Valverno landed closer to the ground and looked at Marina. “I really hate the idea, but I want you in front of me at all times,” said Valverno.

  Marina nodded and dashed closer to Valverno and kissed him in front of all the eyes. Many voices cried “Awe” and Valverno felt his lips going numb. He had become so attached to the Siren she had become have of his beating heart, a heart that clearly needed to be protected.

  After a few short seconds, Marina’s lips released from Valverno’s lips and she smiled upon the demigod. She wrapped her arms around his neck while the demigod didn’t look back at her; only to be flying upward.

  Then Valverno cleared his throat. “White Knights, fly out!”


  Valverno was flying above a fair distance from the ground. He wasn’t flying high in the blue sky soaring through the heavy clouds. He soared closer to the ground at least a thousand feet from the dirt.

  The terrain of Isla Maeli was entirely different from Shimabellia; the island’s inland was flat and covered in dryness like a desert that has been in drought for centuries. The soil wasn’t good enough to tiling or growing crops. Small valleys of dead bushes and very few trees that grew without branches or no green leaves stretched across the terrain. There were mountains and hills Valverno and his White Knights passed while soaring across the land, and they even past the river that leads straight to the Seaport City. Valverno was hesitant to leave the people behind; if he had the feeling he was abandoning them. They chose him as their ruler, and he felt he was abandoning them. But, with some help from some allies, Valverno could continue on his journey.

  From the beaches to the central inland Isla Maeli was all dead land and rotten soil. It was no wonder no one would want to live on the island. The island looked too desolated and dry it would be a death sentence for someone wanting to live on Isla Maeli.

  If the survivors of Shimabellia are to settle, they would have difficulties adapting to the neighboring island. Shimabellia was more inhabitable than Isla Maeli; there were more plants and animals than dead plants and dry land. Isla Maeli would prove to be a challenge to grow and harvest crops since Shimabellia was destroyed.

  But there were the Unicorns, and they have the power of healing. The Unicorns could use the magic from their horns and change the dry soil of the terrain into suitable soil to grow crops. But was it a possibility? Valverno heard the reputation of Unicorns’ magic from their horns was healing magic meant to heal wounds, not change the terrain of land. But there were also the Fairies, and he heard the Fairies kept Shimabellia flowing with plant life for a long time; they may have the power bring plant life to Isla Maeli.

  Still, they all would have to figure out proper methods of how to cope with foreign land. And one day, forget about what happened with Shimabellia and look toward the future on Isla Maeli.

  Flying to the northwest, Valverno, Flavius, Sora, Monico, and Marina passed the river that connected divided the southeastern corner of Isla Maeli, and the river that flowed to the Seaport City. It was long miles from the spot the people came ashore. The river flowed from the southeast from a range of mountains.

  Flying over miles and miles of terrain, Isla Maeli had nothing to offer for a perfect place of settlement. The four flyers flew over the river surrounded by dry land and soil. Soon after, they came across a small land of dry marshes. Dried river bends were filled with dry and decayed bushes found in marshes and swamps. The land has long since been dry and faraway from the river.

  Right off the border of the dried marshes was a forest of petrified trees stretching westward. Like all the other dead tries Valverno and his group passed, the forest was filled with dark brown petrified trees standing a hundred feet upward. Little branches with no leaves attached from the bark.

  Left to rot on a dry land, the petrified trees were bad-looking plants. No magic from Valverno or healing magic from a Unicorn could bring life to those tree to life filled with greenness.

  Valverno and his group flew over the terrain at a fair speed. Valverno himself would have been able to fly faster, but with an injured arm that damaged muscles to his wings, Valverno’s strength was failing him. He couldn’t fly at his fastest flying speed or even conjure up a portal; the magic needed to make a portal required a memory to a place Valverno has been before.

  Also, he needed the strongest of muscles to hold portal of a long period of time. He could have opened a portal to lead the people to the fortress, but he lacked the strength to do so. He felt his strength was at the same level when he fought the Minotaur, before he set out to seek the gauntlet armor in the Northern Region.

  Now, Valverno was at the same strength he had before. It was the magic power that flowed from both armor artifacts he had dwindled, and he was back to where he started, when he was stuck in Geraldus’s house and went by the name Vaeludar.

  And with his old, weakened strength, Valverno flew down to the ground. It has been long hours since the morning he was flying. It was in the late afternoon passed midday Valverno descended from his flying height and floated to the ground, and the White Knights followed.

  Valverno landed with ease and released Marina. The White Knights landed behind Valverno and they all landed close to a river flowing north-and-south bound.

  “What’s wrong, darling?” asked Marina. Marina placed a hand on his right shoulder. “Are you getting sick?”

  “I need to rest up,” said Valverno, softly waving his left arm. He showed Marina his left arm, which was now scarred. All the dragon scales that grew on it, finger-to-shoulder, were destroyed.

  “Ever since my arm was blasted by a single comet, my strength has diminished by half, approximately. I feel that the gauntlet armor I’ve attached to my right arm has been partly destroyed. I don’t know how much magic power strength there must be. If only I have kept searching for the final armor artifact, then I would have been at my full strength, and I may be able to have prevented Shimabellia from being destroyed.”

  “Don’t blame yourself to not seeing the future, Demigod Valverno,” said Monico.

  “Not blaming myself, just stating facts of alternative choices I could have made,” stated Valverno.

  “Well,” said Sora, “since we are by a river, we might as well make set here until Valverno is ready to move.”

  “That may not be for a while,” said Valverno. “My arm still aches, and the healing from your healing powers weren’t enough to sustain the aches I’m feeling. I feel my own body has to heal on its own without the use of magic. We’ll rest here for the day and the night and be ready to travel by morning.”

  “Is that a wise decision to make?” asked Flavius.

  “No, it is an insane one since we are Isla Maeli, and we don’t know what we might run into,” answered Valverno. “But I can’t go on. I will wait for my full strength to return and then we will head out.

  “I do hope you’re making the best choices,” said Flavius.

  “Not the best, I hope I’m making the right ones,” argued Valverno.

  The sun dusked to the west and dawned from the east, and it rose with a bright crimson dawn. It rose with a bright redness to its flaring light that’ll make blind a snake.

  Valverno slept with ease through the late afternoon, evening to late night, and to the dawn. A very long period of time elapsed when Valverno decided to sleep while standing up. The others had slept on the hard grown while Marina was sleeping in the river.

  The river didn’t look dangerous or contaminated with poison; it appeared to be fresh water flowing from the north.

  Valverno shook his head hard and looked at his surroundings. The forest of petrified trees were faraway
to the south of the river, but to the west of the river was of more forests of petrified trees.

  Valverno never knew Isla Maeli would be that dry with dry land and dead plants. Thus, the island was not suitable for any living conditions. It was basically called “Death Island”, and the terrain the demigod was looking meant Isla Maeli did live up to the reputation it has. Now, it will end up becoming the new home for him and the rest of the Shimabellians.

  “The island doesn’t look good, does it?” said Marina’s voice.

  Valverno looked at Marina walking out of the river and quickly away, seeing how she didn’t have her armor garments on. “Yes, Marina, and it seems living on this island is going to be hard. Shimabellia was more livable than here. Isla Maeli is going to be a challenge. But we should get going, which means I have regained my full strength.”

  Valverno heard a splash which meant Marina was getting out of the water. The demigod could imagine what Marina was doing throughout the night he was asleep as she wasn’t wearing her armor garments she wore on his adventures to the Shimabellia’s Northern Region.

  As a little time elapsed, Marina had strapped her armor around her body and others woke up. Flavius, Sora, and Monico got up when Marina made the splashing sounds.

  It was after Marina was dressed the five of them were ready to travel again. She grabbed hold of her demigod husband and the four flyers were ready to fly again, with one non-flyer being carried by a demigod.

  The day had passed and eventually the sun was risking its point toward the west, with a horizon that was griming with death. The clouds floating overhead shaped with death faces. Isla Maeli was becoming more dreadful by the hours the group was passing. They flew from the river to the northwestern corner of the island or close to the point; they flew over miles and miles of the open terrain, which they saw more of the same dry land they did the day before.